The Always Answered Prayer

For Christmas my son gave us an Amazon Echo with light bulbs for the kitchen.  We have been able to turn on the kitchen lights with a voice command.  It has been very cool.  But tonight it stopped working.  The Echo tells me there is no connection. I am into almost two hours of frustration and still don’t have it.  In the setup process I need user names and passwords.

I am so glad prayer doesn’t work this way.  The Echo hears me and God hears me.  The Echo says I’m not connected and God never ever says such a thing.  We are always connected and we don’t need a password or a user name.  He not only knows our names he knows how many hairs are growing out of our ears.   One of my favorite quotations from a book entitled Desire of Ages (a biography of Jesus) is found on page 335.  Jesus was sleeping in the bow of a fishing boat when a horrendous storm overwhelmed the sailor skills of the disciples.  Remembering that He was with them they cried out above the roar of the storm, “Lord, save us: we perish.”  Now comes the really good sentence.  “Never did a soul utter that cry unheeded.”

That is overwhelming to me because of the word “never”.  There is no ritualized language, no addressing Him by some secret name, no password or secret handshake.  All that is needed is our fervent need.  The faintest prayer of the weakest soul receives an immediate audience in the hallowed halls of heaven.  We might not get an immediate physical rescue on earth but we can be guaranteed the best answer ever.  There will be an instant forgiveness of sin and we will step from death to eternal life.  See John 5:24.   It doesn’t get any better than that.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 1, 2017