Union with Glory

Walden Pond is frozen over this evening and by tomorrow night it will be covered with more than two feet of snow.  We are in for a big one.   Weathermen are using the “Blizzard” word.  Tomorrow will be a different kind of day than when Henry David Thoreau drifted across Walden’s gentle waters and opined, “Sometimes as I drift idly on Walden Pond, I cease to live and begin to be.”

It is such a satisfying experience to have a mystical moment when we experience knowing that we are not just an entity but part of something much larger and more meaningful than merely our own body.  To exit now and become, even for a moment, part of eternity is more pleasurable than a banquet of the finest food.

“It was at this time that He (Jesus) went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.”  Luke 6:12.  These were not times of going through a prayer list.  They were times of being.  Such experiences are the rarest of joys we can experience.  These are the times when we are lifted out of our human shell and know we are part of something much grander.  They are a taste of citizenship in our Father’s Kingdom.  They are epiphanies of light, wisdom and rapture.

When we accept Jesus as our Savior and become one with Him we become part of something so much bigger than our worldly achievements.  Jesus experienced nothing that is withheld from us. We are co-heirs with Him.  (Romans 8)   “The glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  Colossians 1:27.  Heaven is not indulgence in things.  It is union with glory.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 8, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St.Helena, CA 94574



The Problem of Self

Selfishness pervades my being.  Try as I might, all my attempts to be kind, generous and thoughtful of others lead me to an examination of my motives.  Through the years I have learned that like begets like.  “A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.”  Proverbs 15:1.  Since I do not like confrontation I do everything I can to ease a tense situation.  I do it for my comfort. I do not steal because I realize stealing tears away the fabric of our civilization and leads to chaos.  I do not steal for my comfort.  I can go through a list of supposed virtues that I seek to maintain and each ends with “I do or don’t do it for my comfort.”

A friend of mine said to me, “An apple tree produces apples because it is an apple tree and not to become an apple tree.”  When I first heard that I heartily agreed and espoused it as great theology.  However, I am no longer sure.  I produce apples because I don’t want to be useless.  Being useless makes me feel as if I have no value.  I want to have value; therefore, I produce apples.  I do it for my psychological comfort.  I give to the poor because it makes me feel good.  It is no wonder Paul cried out, “Woe is me for I am undone.  Who will rescue me from me?”  Romans 7.

Since I want what I do not seem to be able to achieve I will put my trust in Him who promises to save to the uttermost. Hebrews 7.  I Corinthians 15 is amazing. We are promised this corruption will be taken away and for the first time ever will do something purely for love.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 7, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Expired Fruit Loops

For supper this evening I found one of those little boxes of Fruit Loops cereal in our pantry.  It must have been left over from a time when the grandchildren visited.  I can’t remember when I last had Fruit Loops, maybe in the 70’s.  I didn’t know how long these particular Fruit Loops had waited to be eaten.  They were so bad that after I spit out my first bite I gave them to the dog.  Now this is a dog that will eat anything – I thought.  She spit them out and walked away!  Maybe someday I will try fresh Fruit Loops – maybe.  I then looked for an expiration date but couldn’t find one.  They must have been so old they were pre-expiration dates.

Each day I drive past a nursing home and I have wondered if the patients are past their expiration dates.  It is then that I realize my perverseness.  Surely there can never be an expiration date on a human being – at least in God’s eyes.  Each of us is treasured long past when we have breathed our last earthly breath.  Our personalities, our memories, our likes and dislikes are all stored in His parental brain waiting to be used once again on resurrection morning.  The only thing about us He doesn’t remember is our sins. They have been blotted out.  Acts 3:29

My mom taught me when shopping at the supermarket to take bread and milk from the back of the shelf.  The older food is at the front so it will be sold first.  I have also discovered it’s not a great idea to stop at a donut shop in the evening.  How grand it is to know that we – you and I – don’t have expiration dates.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 6, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



“We Sell Ice”

It’s cold.  Really cold.  There are mountains of snow in parking lots. That made the electronic sign in front of Walgreen all the better.  In big bright red letters it said, “We sell ice.”   Aha, a variation on the old saying about carrying “coals to New Castle.”  I have often wondered if preaching to a church full of people who already know the Gospel is similar.  Are we doing anything more than entertaining them once a week by dressing the old, old story in new clothes?

Then I remember in John 21 Jesus admonished Peter to “feed my lambs.”  Just because we have eaten once doesn’t mean we should never eat again.  It is wonderful to open the Good News to someone who has never heard it but it is just as important to feed those who know.  The world is so pressing, and a good amount of time depressing.  We all need reminders of God’s love and care.  It is a message that never grows old.  Its relevance is timeless.  As culture changes so we adapt the presentation but the core never changes.  “For God sent not His Son to condemn the world, but, that the world through Him might be saved.”   That is eternal.  That is the core and bedrock of the entire universe.  Without it there is only chaos doomed to an eternal expansion into basically nothing.

And so we shall continue to take our “coals to New Castle” and sell our ice.  Without it there isn’t much point in life other than a few decades of reaching for some kind of success, only to see it fade in our later years.  I don’t want to sound like Solomon when he said, “all is vanity.”  But without the Good News, Solomon was right.  With the Gospel, He was wrong.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 28, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574




Appropriate Names

I had a student who did not name his children until their first birthday.  He told me he wanted to name each child something that was appropriate for the child’s personality.  I have to admit it made a lot more sense than the way most of us do it.  Most of us name our children at birth after a relative or a name popular in our culture like a soap opera personality.  I have always liked Job’s names for his three daughters. See chapter 42.  The first one was Dove.  The second was Cinnamon and the third was Dark Eyes.  I have had some Cinnamons as students.  However, their names were not translated to English from the Hebrew.  They called themselves Keisha and Lakeisha.

My parents named me after my father’s father and never called me that name.  Instead they called me by my middle name.  Strange.  When people ask me what my first name is I enjoy asking them if they would believe it is Hercules.  Most just smile and write it down.  I did have a girl at our local pizza parlor say, “Come on. Tell me your real name.”  Smart girl.

I wonder what our names would be had we had the chance to name ourselves.  In Revelation 2:17 we are told we will get a new name in heaven, one that is appropriate for our personality.  “To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”    What will be your new name?  Loved?  Forgiven?  Dove?  Sweets?  Surely mine will be “Amazed I Am Here?”  “Amazed” for short.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 24, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Looking Good

I love people who are self-individualized.  So many of us try to fit in and not draw attention.  It seems that we don’t want to be noticed, as if we are fearful to be different. I have a student who comes to class each day looking different from the last class.  Today she arrived wearing pink contact lens and bright red lipstick.  There was no way not to notice her.  Last week she looked like Mortica from the 1960’s television program the Addams family.  She is a delightful person and very intelligently participates in class discussions.  Today she told me her boss at work isn’t as enthusiastic about her appearance as I was.  Granted, if I had a daughter I most likely would be uncomfortable if she did this.  However, it isn’t harming anyone and she brings smiles to her fellow classmates, which is more than I can say about some stuffy church members I know.

God loves variety.  There is such an array of differences in this small world.  Just watching the birds at our birdfeeder is a royal treat.  Sometimes when I am at the mall with my wife, I let her shop while I sit and people watch.  They are ever so much more interesting than birds.  Yesterday I saw a man who looked like Joseph Merrick, the elephant man.  We simultaneously came to the same door and he graciously opened it for me and allowed me to enter first.  His kindness made him look so much better.

Teens often experiment with strange hair colors and other decorations.  How wonderful it would be if we enthusiastically welcomed them to church each week, smiling instead of frowning.  It will make us look so much better.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 4, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



The Value of Promises

One of my students today asserted the premise that promises are only binding if circumstances remain static.  My contention was his position made promises useless because circumstances are always changing.  No one day is like another.  As time passes we become different people.  I look at my graduation pictures from high school and college and realize I am not that person anymore.  I have become someone else.  Therefore, I did not make the promises of the past.  Another person made them before I was me.

Apparently most people do believe the espoused premise my student was advocating since 50% of marriages, began with promises, end in divorce.  Circumstances changed.  People file for bankruptcy indicating they can no longer pay obligations made.  Circumstances change.  Children make promises to their mother or father when their parents are on their death beds.  Usually they are ignored because their parent is no longer alive.  Circumstances change.  Please do not misunderstand me I am not advocating one stay in a horrid, miserable relationship nor am I saying it is wrong not to pay when it becomes impossible to do so.  I am wondering about the value of human promises.

What I do rejoice in is that God keeps His promises despite the changing of circumstances.  However, because He knows the end from the beginning He can make the promises with full knowledge of what is coming.  His promises are much more intelligent than ours. Therefore, when we read I John 1:9 that He is faithful to forgive all our sins if we confess to Him, it is a sure thing. It was a promise made in full faith while understanding all the circumstances to come.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 23, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Winter Visitors

We have two visitors who seem to be comfortable in our woods despite our very threatened dog. They have been with us for almost two weeks.  It’s hunting season.  I think they feel secure close to a house.  This morning upon seeing them and telling them this was her woods our black lab promptly squeezed in between me and the bathroom sink.  Perhaps she should stay close to me.  A few years ago when we lived in Northern California I looked out the window to see our cocker spaniel come tearing out of the woods with a large deer hot on her tail.

Tomorrow evening the temperature will drop into the single digits.  I find myself wanting to invite them inside where it will be warm.  However, I know they will be just fine.  This afternoon I watched them experience a thirty mile per hour wind gust and they paid no more attention to it than they had the two gray squirrels that scurried between their legs earlier this morning.  I’m still waiting to see a moose which my neighbors tell me they have seen.

God was very busy the sixth day of creation.  Our world teems with a huge variety of life forms.  It is no wonder He finished that day with the pronouncement, “That is very good.”  Yes, it was.  Now that astronomers are able to spot planets moving around suns thousands of light years away they have announced this week that there are more planets in the universe than suns.   If only one ninth of them are as lovely as our earth we have many places to visit.  As Robert Frost once said, “and miles to go before I sleep.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 14, 2012

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, Ca 94574
