The Muscle Shirt

Yesterday we saw a young man wearing a muscle shirt.  There was one small problem.  No muscles – just two skin-covered sticks hanging out.  I remembered being a boy on the playground during recess.  There was a shouting match going on between two would-be  pitchersduring a choose-up game of baseball.  One of them said, “I’m going to pitch or else.”  The other said, “Or else what?”  The first fellow had no “else”.   He didn’t own the baseball.  He couldn’t take his ball and go home. If you’re going to challenge someone with an “else”, you better have an “else.”  If we are going to wear a muscle shirt, it would be a great idea if we had muscles. (I now only wear long sleeve shirts.)

Have you ever seen someone driving very aggressively by cutting people off and at the same time sporting a bumper sticker telling us, “My boss is a Jewish carpenter”?  If we are going to proclaim to the world that we are Christians, it would be a great idea if we really were the  kindest, most unselfish person in our school or workplace.  Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said in the Sermon on the Mount, “By their fruits ye shall know them.”  I know it’s a worn out cliché but I have to say it.  “Put your money where your mouth is.”

In all fairness to the wearer of the muscle shirt, perhaps he was trying to inspire himself to a new life of discipline, healthful eating and lots of exercise.  If we see him again in six months perhaps he will be sporting arms worthy of the shirt.  We have to begin somewhere when we have a worthy goal.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 6, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


My Dog’s Nose

Today I learned that my dog has 25 times the number of scent sensors than I do.  She has over 200 million receptors.  No wonder dogs love to go for walks.  There is so much to enjoy. This evening on our walk we, my wife and I, detected someone cooking with lots of curry, next we walked through a cloud that must have come from someone’s very moldy basement.  This was followed by the scent of someone’s dryer and finally another meal with a strong meaty scent. If my dog really can detect smells many times fainter than we can, I wish she could talk and give us a guided tour of our neighborhood.

One of my favorite verses is II Corinthians 2, God “uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.  For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life.”

I think we have all been around people who leave us with a bad scent.  They seem to spoil an occasion almost just because they are there.  How grand if we could leave a “pleasing aroma” wherever we went.  This week I entered a large department store and was immediately whelmed with a wonderful smell.  At first I thought it was coming from the cosmetic section but that was far away.  Then I remembered that stores scent the air in the air conditioning system.  They know if it smells good we just might purchase something.  If we also smelled great might someone also want to have Jesus in their life?

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 4, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Typhoon in the Philippines

Many years ago I stood on a sand bank on a small island in the South Japanese Sea and watched a typhoon literally smash a large concrete dock and several fishing boats into small pieces.  It was to say the least amazing.  People sometimes describe this as an act of God.  Others will argue that even if God did not cause it He certainly could have stopped it or diverted it to an unpopulated area.  There is no doubt this is most disconcerting.  Lucifer will be thrilled because he can cause such pain and heartache.  Our loving God’s heart will be crushed.  So, why does God not stop it?

For thousands of years God has been on trial.  Lucifer, the source of conflict and natural disasters, has tried to disgrace God in a great struggle between good and evil.   This battle is watched by the entire universe.  Should God always intervene, heavenly beings would never see the full effects of the evil administration of Lucifer.  Lucifer’s joy received by the pain he can cause God’s children fills him with such pleasure and this is demonstrated to all who are watching.  God’s future, our future depends upon a proper understanding of just who is the real cause.   Lucifer will lose.  God will win.  The day will come when Earth will once again be as planned in Genesis 1, when God can again say, “That is very good.”  We are assured of this in the last two chapters of the Bible.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 8, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO 124, St. Helena, CA


Bringing Jesus

When my older son was six weeks old he went with us to a small city in western Uganda where we held a series of evangelistic meetings that were a part of our ministerial training for young pastors.  We put up a small tent that seated about 200 and hoped it would fill.  The first evening over 600 people arrived all wanting to see baby Jesus.  We were forced to hold him up and explain this was our baby and not baby Jesus who was born 2000 years ago.  One lady on the front row wanted to hold him.  Naively I handed him to her.  What followed was unbelievable.  Another lady wanted him and then another and soon he disappeared into the middle of the 600.  Obviously we were eventually able to safely retrieve him.

I have often thought of this through the years realizing what occurred is our calling.  It is the great Gospel Commission found at the close of Matthew.   By actions and demeanor we are called to bring baby Jesus, man Jesus, crucified Jesus and resurrected Jesus to those about us.  We might not be preachers on a church payroll.  This happens when we are a part of a community, by being kind and unselfish and knowing when to not say hurtful things.  The most effectual witnessing is being as much like Jesus as we can be.  This is our calling.  We don’t have to go to a far off land.  Real mission starts inside our homes and spreads outward from that center.   If we are open to His indwelling power, He will do what is needed.  Sometimes we are amazed at what happens.  Sometimes we don’t know anything happened.  But it did.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 7, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

The Mystery of Ephesians 3

In Ephesians 3 Paul reveals to us a mystery he says was hidden to his ancestors.  Verse 6 reads, “This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.”  God has no favorites.  Everyone may participate in the plan of redemption. This doesn’t mean God withheld His love from other groups.  In the Old Testament we have the story of Balaam, who was not an Israelite, but still a prophet of God; confused yes, but Jehovah’s man.  Human ego wants so badly to be special we automatically black list those who are different than we.  Up until the cross there was no special revelation regarding this.  Now there was.  Grace was and is available to everyone.

In Revelation 7 John tells us the mass of redeemed standing before God’s throne are too many to count.  Every gender, every nationality, every race, every age group are there.  You name it God saves it.   In Romans 1 Paul tells us God holds people to account through the revelation of nature.  Even if they have never heard the name of Jesus the opportunity for salvation is there.  In Acts we read that no other name other than Jesus can save.  Those who never heard His name are saved by Him per their reaction to the things He created.  He will tell them His name once they are in heaven.

Paul is telling us something wonderful about God’s nature. God is in the business of saving people.  He will weep over every human lost.   The mystery of God’s nature has been revealed.  Your group and my group have no exclusive ticket

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 6, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


I Know What Jesus Looks Like

An elderly man shuffled into Denny’s this evening using a walker but he was not humped over like most people with walkers.   His dark skin was accented by curled white hair around his forehead.  He wore a black suit with a black shirt buttoned at the neck.  He was wearing an engraved golden name tag where we put name tags when we attend meetings so people will know our names.  His tag said, “Jesus Christ.”  There was a second pin on his label.  It was a small rainbow. While sitting down he caught my eye and gave me a pearly white smile. He must eat there often because the waitress approached his table and called him “Pastor.”  I am kicking myself because I never went to his table to speak to him.  He was alone.  Now I know what Jesus looks like.

While Jesus does not walk with a walker He is old – old as eternity.   Surely Jesus will flash us a pearly white smile upon our first face to face meeting.  Jesus can look like all men.  He lives inside us and He opens the drapes and we shine like a light on a hill. (See Eph. 2:22)  Love, care and concern radiate from our very core brightening the lives of those who see us.  It’s not that we are wonderful but He is wonderful and we are the container.  This old man is not the first person that has revealed Jesus’ appearance to me.  I have met others along life’s way.  They are special people who know how to give when it is needed and how to aid us along the way when we need it.  It takes wisdom to do that and that wisdom is promised to us in Ephesians 3:9.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 5, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574




Never Obsolete

One of our schools had an electronic recycle fundraiser today.  So I went around the house gathering unused devices.  I was amazed at the assembled pile of obsolete equipment.  As I looked at them I remembered how excited we were when each was obtained.  And now a decade or so later they are pretty much useless.  They just use up space and gather dust.  So off they go to the recycle truck.  Lest we become too discouraged about our throwaway culture I need to observe that fifty years ago cars were considered high mileage and worn out if you were fortunate enough to get 75,000 miles.  Now many of us drive our cars way over a 100,000.  I am pressing 200,000 on our car and it runs fine.  I spoke with someone just yesterday whose car is over 300,000 miles.

The question that arises is do people grow obsolete?   We live in a culture that idolizes youth and makes it very difficult for someone in their fifties to find new employment. Are nursing homes shelving for the elderly while we wait for them to die?   One thing that does give us comfort is in God’s eyes we are never obsolete.  Instead of replacing us with a newer model it is God’s plan to continue to upgrade us.  Paul tells us in Ephesians 3 that we “may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”  Please note “all the fullness.”  God’s “more than we can imagine” which appears in verse 20 is “all the fullness.”  Our heavenly Father holds nothing from us and gives as we are able to handle it.  His goal is to give us all there is – not 90% but 100%.  We are never obsolete.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 4, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Then Jesus Came

If we were making a top ten list of the best things Jesus ever said Luke 19:5 has to be included.   We read, “When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.'”  Isn’t that great?  Basically speaking, Zacchaeus in the eyes of the community, was a despicable man.  He had been disfellowshipped, or excommunicated, from the local synagogue.  Everyone, even Zacchaeus, thought he was going to hell. Then Jesus came.

There are many stories of human misery in the Gospels that instantly change when Jesus came.  There were lepers, the blind, the deaf, the lame, families with dead loved ones and then Jesus came.  What an amazing difference there is between Jesus and the founder of another huge religious group who came with an army and swords.

Mrs. Zacchaeus had no time to prepare.  It was a come as is.  Many years ago the governor of Massachusetts came to visit our across the street neighbor. It was great fun watching all the preparations.  Painters painted, a yard service mowed and trimmed, caterers brought in a feast.

Jesus will come as is.  Just open the door.  Don’t worry about the refuse of everyday living.  Just open the door.

I’ very sure Zacchaeus never again worried about going to hell.  Now that Jesus had come to his house he knew he was going to Jesus’ house.  That’s the way it works. One invitation elicits a return invitation. You come to see me and I get to come and see you.  If you listen you will hear Jesus say to you, “I must stay at your house today.”  How grand!

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 9. 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Out of the Sin Business

While thinking about a top ten list of the things Jesus said, I would like to add yet another.  To the woman apprehended in the world’s oldest profession Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go and sin no more.” Please note, He did not place her on probation.  She did not have to prove herself with six months of good behavior. He understood her.  He knew her past.  He knew her situation.  Best of all He knew her future – a place in His kingdom.  It just doesn’t get any better than this.

This occurred in the midst of a prove-yourself religion.  The culture was all about righteous behavior measured by a strict set of rules.  Jesus isn’t saying that obedience isn’t important.  Of course it is. Obedience keeps us from harming ourselves and others about us. But what it doesn’t do is earn us a place in His kingdom.  The purpose of the law is to protect us from ourselves.  Obedience to the law keeps us alive until we are old enough to understand why God, our protective Father, gave us the law.  That is why Paul says the law is a school master.  Eventually we graduate and live safely and sanely.  The law is written on our hearts. “Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.”  Galatians 3

Did the woman leave Jesus and continue on as usual?  We should never believe that.  To all her customers she must have said, “Out of business.”  That’s just like us.  Once we have Jesus we are out of the sin business.

Written by Roger Bothwell September 10, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


“Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet”

In the early 70’s Chevrolet defined America as “baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and (of course) Chevrolet.”  At that time one of my friends and his family became naturalized American citizens.  It was a time of great joy.  To celebrate we gave them a baseball, a can of Vegelinks (they were vegetarians), an apple pie and a Chevrolet. The Chevrolet was a model that cost us $4.95.  It was all we could afford.  Their joy came to mind as I read Ephesians 2:19.  “You are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household.”

So what things could we mention to aid us in defining our new citizenship?  Someone mentioned a crown.  Honestly, I’m not interested in a crown neither streets of gold nor a mansion.   Paul does mention in  2Timothy 4:8 a crown of righteousness.  That’s okay.  Actually that’s more than okay.  That is terrific.   As for golden streets, forget it.  I would rather have beautiful green grass streets.   Citizenship in God’s Kingdom need not be about material stuff.  From the plethora of yard sales I see each weekend I opine that people grow tired of their things.

A few verses later in chapter 3:20 Paul wrote, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”  That is not hinting that we should not bother to wonder and speculate.  Our imaginations are one of our gifts.  Our imaginations are the seedbed of dreams and aspirations.  I would love to hear from you regarding this.  If you were defining God’s Kingdom what would you mention in place of “baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet”?

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 1, 2013

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574