
This past weekend my granddaughter was off from college and spent the weekend with her two old grateful grandparents.  Saturday evening we went for a walk.  The weather was truly delightful.  My granddaughter commented on how strong the dog looked and how hard could she pull.  So I handed her the leash thinking she would get quite a workout.   I cautioned her as I remember many years ago I handed my sister a leash connected to a much smaller lab.  That experience ended with my sister’s face on the ground.  But this time it was completely different. My present lab just stopped walking.  She gave me a very pitiful look as if to say, “What did I do wrong?  Don’t you love me?”   The walk would not continue until I took back the leash.

In John 1 Andrew first found Jesus and immediately began to follow Jesus. On that fateful day he couldn’t even begin to imagine what he would see and hear in the coming months and years.  He went from the ecstasy of seeing Jesus and his very own brother walking on water to the raising of Lazarus from the dead.  He went from the confusion of seeing Jesus’ relatives trying to throw Jesus over a cliff to the hatred of the establishment.  He went from Jesus’ cross to his very own death on a cross.  One should pause before quickly choosing to follow someone.  The consequences are most often eternal.

My loving lab would only walk if connected to who she thought was the right person.  In her case it was a matter of loyalty and I imagine that should also be our reason for walking with Jesus.   However, I was thinking the reason should be, it’s the smart thing to do.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 10, 2012

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
