Barnes and Noble

I wish Solomon had been with me this afternoon.  I went to Barnes and Noble. If Solomon thought the world was full of books in 1000 B.C., (See Eccl. 12:12) he would have had a cardiac arrest this afternoon.  They are stocked for the holidays and they have an amazing inventory.   I am thankful I do not have a compulsive disorder that demands I read all the books I see.  I would have had the cardiac arrest.

The question is “How many are worth reading?”   The answer depends on who you ask.  Each author would insist his or hers is worth reading.  It depends on one’s interests.  Isn’t it amazing how many ways we can configure only twenty-six letters?  As I strolled around I saw many old friends on the shelves.  They seemed to say “Hi” as I passed.  Some of them I have read more than once.  That seems a waste when one only has a limited number of hours in life.

It might seem that I should only read one thing once so I have time to read different ones.   But just like a few people in life are worth a lot of one’s time,  so it is with books. I have spent countless hours in John, Ephesians and Colossians.  I don’t regret one second.  As I write about it I think I shall read them again.  I have read Desire of Ages over twenty times; all 700 plus pages.

How about you?  What books do you enjoy and find useful?  Perhaps Solomon would have strolled about Barnes and Noble and declared one hundred, two hundred or perhaps three hundred really worth reading.  Never-the-less it is a grand place.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 19, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574