Days of Infamy

While Japanese diplomats were in Washington D.C. pretending to negotiate, a Japanese aircraft carrier was being positioned to launch a devastating attack on Pearl Harbor.  On December 8 an incensed President Roosevelt began his declaration of war with the following words.  “Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”  Ever since it has been a Day of Infamy.
As terrible as it was there was one day even more infamous.  Human beings took the Creator of the Universe, unfairly and illegally tried Him, twice beat Him, stripped Him, crushed the nerves in His hands with nails, ruptured Him with a triangle of wood placed between His legs, mocked and berated Him, spit on Him, and literally stabbed Him in heart.  This was the One who knelt in the grass in Eden and breathed life into man.  This was the One who restored fingers and lips on lepers.  This was the One who spoke and a rotting corpse lived again.  This was a day that will forever live in infamy.  For centuries and millennia we will speak of that infamous day in hushed tones.
Though forgiven never will we be proud to be human.  All our pride will be focused on the One who became one of us. Forever we will be overwhelmed by His love.  That He would have creatures like us enter His presence speaks nothing about us and everything about Him. Never will we wear a badge proclaiming our humanity.  Instead we will forever wear a badge proclaiming our redemption.  But He goes further than merely forgiving us.  He declares us to be sons and daughters, princes and princesses.  How can this be so?  I doubt I will ever understand.