Jimmy Carter’s Greatest Adventure

Ninety year old former president Jimmy Carter is showing the world how a real Christian faces eternity.  When diagnosed with what could be terminal cancer he said, “I am ready for anything and looking forward to a new adventure.”   What a wonderful adventure is before him.  He will close his eyes and wake up to see the Jesus who he has loved all his life.  This past weekend President Carter taught his number six hundred and something Sunday School class.  He spoke of love which is exactly what our message is all about.  Love is the heart and soul of the Gospel.  The Good News is we are loved.
Jesus wants us to be filled with assurance.  If we believe He tells the truth how can we doubt our salvation?   Many people I know will say, “Yes, I trust Jesus.  It is me I don’t trust.”  Well, you shouldn’t trust yourself.  You are not worthy.  You never were and never will be.  It is all about Jesus and not about you or me.  Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled neither let it be afraid.”  He also said, “Fear not for I am with you even unto the end of the world.”
Jesus doesn’t care if you are a Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Adventist, Mormon, or Jehovah Witness.   Church membership isn’t the ticket to eternity.  Accepting the freely offered gift is the ticket.  “Freely offered gift” is a redundancy.  If it isn’t free than it isn’t a gift.  Paul said it so well, “The gift of God is eternal life.”  Can we please stop worrying about our performance and cease looking at ourselves?  Smash the mirrors.  Rejoice in the One who promises you the best adventure ever.  It’s only one heartbeat away.