It seems like more and more college graduates have little or no idea of how to use I and me in connection with other names or pronouns. So often we hear, “Me and Tom are going to town.” No. It is “Tom and I are going to town.” Or I hear, “Tom visited Ian and I.” No. It is “Ian and me.” This does not have to be confusing. There is a simple rule that allows us to be correct every time. Mentally leave out the other person when you are about to speak. Form the sentence and then add the other person. “Tom visited me.” It isn’t natural to say, “Tom visited I.”
We have always had difficulty with I. It was I that started the rebellion in heaven. “I will be like the Most High. I will ascend.” Isaiah 14:14. It is not unusual to hear someone describe something bad that happened to another and then have them finish with, “It could have been me.” Please don’t fail to notice, it is usually all about self.
So what is wrong with us? It isn’t complicated. We are human. We are born selfish. This is why “flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom.” I Corinthians 15:50. It would take us less than a day to spoil heaven if we went like we are now. But, we won’t because. “For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” I Corinthians 15:52
I Corinthians 15 is a magnificent treatise on death and resurrection. Take some time today and read it very slowly. It is a splendid discussion on what awaits us. And best of all. It is a gift!
Written by Roger Bothwell on Sept. 4, 2017