Our Magnificent Backup System

I learned this week that if one’s infection fighting cells are extremely low one’s body automatically produces a fever without there being an infection.  This protective measure aids in warding off any exposure to infectious germs while the infectious fighting cells are limited in their ability to protect us.  It’s a magnificent backup system.  We are wonderfully designed and made.  It is no wonder after God made Adam He said, “That is very good.”  It was and despite the effects of sin it is still very good.

Over and over again we hear evolutionists ridicule creationists, as if we are naïve hicks from the 14th century.  Really?  Can they explain just this one backup system developing from a process of tiny changes?  They speak of our needing a ridiculous amount of faith to believe in a designer.  However, that is only one leap of faith for us.  In order for humans to be as sophisticated as we are happening in tiny steps one needs a billion or more leaps of faith.  Maybe they are more religious than they know.   Perhaps we are the ones with little faith?

We have been treated with pictures of earth taken from Saturn by our Cassini spacecraft.  This amazingly beautiful blue dot against the backdrop of deep space is awesome.  It sounds totally egocentric to think that we are special.  However, we are.  This blue orb is the focus of the intelligent universe for it is here that God sent His only Son to make right our wrongs.  It is here where the universe saw the depths of horror to which men would go when they beat and tortured to death the Creator of all things. See Hebrews 1.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 24, 2013

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
