Doing A Few Things Well

Last April two workmen came to my house to measure for a new 96.4 inch by 64.3 inch window by our dining room table.  This morning they arrived to install the new window specially made in Maine.  I have seen windows replaced prior to this and usually there are shims to compensate for deviations.  I think my mouth dropped open in amazement when they slipped it into place.  It was a perfect fit. No shims needed. No light seeping through the edges. I’m not sure there is room for caulking.  Needless to say the workmen were quite pleased.

I should be so good in all the aspects of my life.  When Paul wrote to a young pastor he said, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  2 Timothy 2:15.  Realistically speaking we can’t be excellent in all things.  We only have enough time to do one or two or if we are brilliant three things well.  So many of us don’t even try things because we know we can’t be perfect at them.  However, life is about growth.  It is not about singing like Caruso or playing ball like Jeter or painting like Homer.  It is about trying and retrying and slowly learning.  Life is about getting better and better each time we try.  And when we fall down we get back up and walk a bit farther.

It is the same with “rightly dividing the word of truth.”  Understanding the Bible is very simple and yet amazingly challenging.  Paul is not for children.  Moving from living by rules to living by principles is scary but ever so rewarding when the light bulb comes on.  Doing something really well takes time.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 24, 2012

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574