We Humans Are Strange

It’s a funny thing about human beings.  If we hear one hundred positive compliments and just one negative comment, we will obsess over the one.  Tell someone you love them many times but just once say you don’t, it will be almost impossible to convince them that you do.  Tell a child they are stupid and it will mold their self-image and they will most often not try challenging tasks.  They will concede to the negative.  Perhaps it is easier to take that course than trying hard.  I am talking about most of us.  There is the reverse response in some who will say, “I’ll show them.”  But they are far outnumbered by the first group.

Perhaps we are our own worst enemy because we know our own dirt. No other human can more accurately accuse us than us.  Sometimes we try to honey coat our faults and make excuses but deep down inside we know the truth.  We choose.

This is why it is so difficult to get people to accept the Good News.  Jesus loves us.  He will forgive us.  He will help us improve and overcome.  That’s a message for others but not for “me.”  But it is for each of us.  Despite the fact that God knows the truth about you and me He cares for us as a father loves his errant child.  I believe the prodigal son’s father always knew the whereabouts of his son.  He was rich.  He could pay people to report.  How thrilled he was when he heard his son had started home.  And when his son tried to tell him all his wrongs the father would not listen.  All that mattered was his son was home.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 9, 2012

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
