Christmas Letters

It is such a grand time for catching up on friends.  Each day the postman leaves us a handful of Christmas letters and photos.  Contrary to some people’s complaints about reading about people’s cruises and brilliant grandchildren, I enjoy it.  Life is about people and it is a joy to read about people who had ordinary children produce extraordinary grandchildren.  Isn’t it nice to know that once upon a time we had grandparents that thought we were terrific?

One of the challenges of the season is recognizing just who sent the Christmas letter.  Even though there are pictures in the envelopes I still look at them and have NO idea who they are.  Men have gone bald.  Woman have gone blond.  Where there were two nice trim people there are now – humm – I don’t know how to describe what I see.  I don’t recognize the names of the grandchildren since they are new to this world.  Most of the time the return address on the envelope helps but sometimes it’s missing. I have one here in my hand that has me totally stumped.  Anybody out there know a couple named Alfonso and Rebecca with grandchildren named Jose and Isabella?

What a relief it is to know that God never has this problem.  No matter how much we change or how long it has been since we have bothered to contact Him, He still knows everything about us and our grandchildren.  He even thinks our grandchildren are extraordinary; maybe not brilliant but very loveable.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus assures us God notes every sparrow.  Now that is amazing since they all look alike.  He’s just that way.  That’s why Jesus told us to call Him, Father.

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 20, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574