He Knows Our Names

Because of an international cancer conference this past weekend the news yesterday was filled with stories about the exciting new T-Cell technology.  Last evening ABC and CBS news broadcasts spoke of it and yesterday the New York Times ran an article that actually mentioned me.  How exciting.  But don’t go looking for my name.  It wasn’t there.  While speaking of the ten adults who are part of the leukemia t-cell study they reported on the health of the first nine and then said, “and one was treated too recently to evaluate.”  That’s me – number 10.  My granddaughter wrote from college that she had seen it and she wrote “a.k.a. my grandpa!”  She was right.  After being treated with the T-Cell technology in Philadelphia we are now waiting for the magic cells to complete their work of assassinating the bad cells. So I have had my moment in the sun and nobody knew my name.

But that’s okay because the people who count do know my name.  The researchers and technicians, (They emailed today.)   My family knows my name, one of which is “grandpa.”  My wife knows my name.  Jesus knows my name.  He knows a lot more than that.  He knows things about me I don’t know.  And it isn’t just me.  You also are known, very intimately.  “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Luke 12.  Not only does He know our names He is quite capable not to mix us up with others who have the same name we have.  He even has a special brand new name to give us.  “They will be citizens in the city of my God.  I will write on them my new name.” Revelation 3

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 12, 2012

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
