Many Mansions

When I was small the people in my church used to ask each other, “How long have you been in the Truth.”  It was understood that to be a member meant you knew what the Bible taught, what life was about, what God expected of us and what we had to do to please God.  One day two young men knocked on our door and as I sat and listened to their fervency it was as if I was looking in a mirror.  Members from another group knocked on my door and once again as I took their pamphlet I was looking in a mirror.  While we were living in Uganda a pope visited for the purpose of solemnizing a place where both Anglican and Catholic Ugandans were burned alive in lieu of renouncing their faith.  Each group, including mine, has a worldview they (we) believe is consistent with Scripture.  And yet each group is distinctively unique.

There is a certain kind of spiritual and intellectual arrogance in thinking our worldview is “The Truth.”  One of the great lessons of Balaam is that God has His people in many places.  The Children of Israel did not have a monopoly on God’s concern and revelation.  Jesus once said, “Herein will men know you are my disciples that you love one another.”  Strange that not one hint of doctrine appears in that command. (Or was it an observation?) Perhaps the important issue is not one’s worldview as much as one’s loyalty, faithfulness and commitment to their worldview.  Jesus also told us to put our hand to the plow and not look back.  Is not His appeal to us to commit with all our hearts and all of our talents?  Surely in His house there are many mansions.  John 14.

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 7, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574