The Dead Rabbit

Don’t get me wrong.  I love my dog.  She is the sweetest, most caring, most devoted creature one could ever long to have.  But this afternoon she found a dead rabbit in our yard.  When I say dead I mean really dead, like seriously decomposed.  It was hundred degrees last Friday. Can someone tell me why dogs have to roll on those things?   Then she came and wanted in the house.  I don’t think so!  By the time I had her cleaned up I was in need of being cleaned.  I had to teach this evening and was fearful that my students could detect my encounter with what was once a rabbit.   One can well understand why Lazarus’ family objected to the opening of the tomb after he had been dead for three days.

I have already smelled the decomposition of flesh on a leper and I have to say, Jesus is amazing.  In Mark 1 there is a marvelous story of a leper who came to Jesus for help.  Jesus did the unthinkable.  In front of a crowd He touched the man.  Only after that did He heal him.  Jesus touched a leper.  The stench must have been horrific.  I am tempted to think it would be easier for Jesus to approach me.  After all I shower and shave every day.  I use Dial soap.  I brush my teeth and comb what little hair I have left.  I’m not like that leper.   There – don’t I sound like the Pharisee who said, “I’m not like that fellow.”  See Luke 18:11.

How sad to think that we often think ourselves better than others when the truth is the stench of death is on all of us; that is until we meet Jesus.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574