Paul’s Grammar in Ephesians 2

Greek purists (every language has them*) must have gone crazy when they initially read the first part of Ephesians 2.  Paul pays little attention to the rules of grammar.  He starts sentences and doesn’t finish them.  Sentence fragments dangle.  Translators have tried to clean it up. So what was going on?  Paul was a highly educated man.  He knew better.  Understanding that makes the passage just so much more wonderful.  Ephesians 2 is Scripture’s preeminent passage on grace.  Paul is so overwhelmed by God’s incredible gift to us he just soared.  He paid no attention to construction he just opened up his heart to the wonder of salvation being God’s gift from start to finish with nothing left for us to do except accept it.

The idea that we are saved so God can spend eternity showering us with gifts of grace was and is so amazingly overwhelming there wasn’t time to grammar check.   This is a bird singing who cares not about music theory.   This is a child bursting past speechlessness when she receives the most beautiful doll of her dreams.  It is no wonder Paul says we best get busy doing the things God desires for us to do.   There is a plan for each of our lives so let’s live it lest we disappoint God and ourselves.

Before you go to bed tonight, please read Ephesians 2 for yourself.  If you are not moved we can help you with a heart transplant.

*While sitting in a college committee I was challenged by an English teacher who said, “That is not a word.”   “Did you understand what I meant to say,” I asked.   “Yes,” she said.   To which I responded, “Then it’s a word.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 26, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574