Walking Targets

I have through the years developed a target on my back.  Actually it’s on the back of my head.  When I walk through the forest, mosquitoes and other heinous flying creatures see this large hairless circle and seem to think it’s some kind of supermarket.  While I myself have never seen it, it must be very appetizing because it never fails to attract hungry bloodsucking flying vampires.  I have tried bug repellent to no avail.  I think I shall have to break down and start wearing a cap when venturing onto the mountain.

Protecting ourselves from attackers is quite prudent.  It seems stupid not to protect ourselves from any manner of anything that lessens us.  Yet, it appears that unless we are able to see the consequences of something or some behavior, we are not very good at caring for ourselves.   We overeat.  We know better but because we don’t immediately see the bulge swell up around our middle we just keep on eating.  We fill our minds with degrading content and because we don’t immediately become felons we keep on watching, reading and listening.  We know we should spend time each day feeding on God’s word and yet because we don’t immediately sense our level of care and concern for others erode, we neglect the very thing that will make us better people.

It’s not just the bald spot on the back of my head that’s a target.   We are walking targets for attacks from one who has thousands of years of experience debasing humans.  Peter puts it this way, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 15, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
