
While I cannot remember a specific occasion I most likely have committed a social indiscretion through the years.  Only today did I learn that one is never to congratulate a bride.  Only the groom is to be congratulated.  To congratulate is to express joy over one’s accomplishment.  To congratulate a groom is to be joyful that he has won the heart of his intended.  To congratulate a bride would mean she finally got her man and is saved from spinsterhood.  Humm?!

The above logic presents an interesting idea regarding Revelation 19.   John portrays Jesus as the Bridegroom and we are His bride.  We are not to be congratulated upon receiving our salvation.  It is Jesus who is to be congratulated for winning us.  We are the object of His wooing.  He is the one who paid the horrendous price that we might be His.  He is the one who chases us and will not let us go.  He is the victor and the glory belongs to Him.  We are the ones taken to His house.  We are the ones bound into the family of God.

The one thing that makes Christianity different from all other religions is not our moral code.  Other religions have high moral standards.   What makes Christianity different is it is the only religion that proclaims the truth that from the foundation of the world God has been pursuing us.  Other religions proclaim the mistaken notion that God can be found by us if we sacrifice enough and perform penance for our sins.

Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock.”   We do not need to go on pilgrimages to find that door.  It is in our minds all the time.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 25, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574