The Door

Antique stores fascinate me because they are filled with priceless junk from my childhood.  I walk around and say, “Oh, look.  I had one of those. I wonder what happened to IT.”  I most likely was looking at IT.  Recently I was in one that had a door.  I know – they all have a door.  I mean this one had a door and frame displayed for sale.  It was quite ornate and actually very lovely.  It would have been nice in the right place.  I wondered about that door.  Where had it been?  What or who did it keep in or out?  Did anyone famous ever pass through it?  Did its presence assure a child of safety?

Doors are important. They often lead us into new experiences.  Yesterday our second semester began and I along with my students walked through the classroom door to a brand new experience.  Will that door lead my students to new realms of thought and preparation for a wonderful life of service?

I like John 10:9 where Jesus calls Himself “The Door.”  Step across that threshold and eternity beckons.  Entering God’s Kingdom changes everything from our limited range of thought to endless expanses of new ideas.  When we go in we leave behind guilt and are filled with new desires for growth and Godlikeness.  Some doors need to be shut.  Hopefully we will close the door to the old ways and not return.  Alas, sometimes we do return.  But thankfully we can reenter The Door.  Jesus gives us one of those stamps on our hand that allows us reentry.  Well, no.  We don’t need a stamp, because we didn’t pay the first time.  It was free and remains free each time we are wise enough to return and hopefully stay.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 26, 2011

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574