“Just Because”

It’s below ten degrees outside.  It is going to snow ten inches tomorrow.  I am cold.  I just put on a hat and a sweater on top of a sweater.  I am sitting here eating ice cream.  Now how stupid is that?  But it’s blueberry ice cream and it is so good!  So how many other stupid things do I do “just because.” “Just because” is a great reason for doing or not doing things. Do you remember using it when you were a teen?  Whenever a teacher or our parents asked us why we did something “just because” was the reason.  Either we did not want to articulate why or so often we really didn’t know why.

I know people who smoke but intellectually they know it is stupid.  When I ask them why, I get a “just because.”  While I do not believe everything Sigmund Freud wrote I certainly do agree with him that we live on several different mental levels and not everything we do is rational nor do we even attempt to be rational about those things. We tell ourselves “just because.” We are born with a collective unconsciousness that instinctively drives us often to self-destructive behavior.   God certainly agrees, that’s why in Exodus 20:5 He speaks of the fruit of our sins extending to the third and fourth generation.

It is no wonder David prayed in Psalm 51, “Oh Lord, create in me a clean heart.”   He was tired of the “just because.”  If we are looking for the abundant life Jesus promises, it is essential that we allow Him access to our inner being.  Jesus and Jesus alone can give us the power to move beyond the mere human.  See II Peter 1 for a promise of sharing in divinity now.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 28, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
