Your Image of God

Despite all we know about the human mind consciousness is still a mystery. The self and its awareness and interaction with its environment awes us. The mind is incredible. It is small enough to put in a box and yet big enough to hold the universe. We live our whole life inside our head. People can lock up our bodies but only imprison our minds if we allow them. In less than a second I can be any one of a thousand places. It is just a matter of accessing memories.

When pondering this wonder cognition scholars propose the idea that all meaning in life is self created. Our senses pour data into our minds and we assemble it into experiences. This is a fascinating thought when it comes to reading. It would mean there is no meaning in the symbols on a piece of paper other than that which we produce. Because each of us has a different set of memories, which are the tools we use to form new experiences, each of us brings a unique interpretation to words spoken or written.

I was then wondering how different people react to the statement, “God is our Father in Heaven.” If our earthly father was cruel is our heavenly Father someone we fear to meet? If our earthly father was caring and sacrificing is our heavenly Father someone we can hardly wait to meet? Father is a name that elicits as many different reactions as there are children. How important for us to proclaim the good news that our heavenly Father cares and sacrifices for all.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 9, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453