Understanding God?

At the risk of getting lots of irate e-mail I will state that men have a difficult time understanding women. Men and women have two different sets of needs and two different ways of communication. Research says women come home at night and want to talk about the problems of the day. Men come home at night all talked out. When their wife tells of something horrible that happened at work he says, “Quit.” She is frustrated. She did not want him to solve her problem. She just wanted to talk. Communication between sexes is often a mystery.

When I ponder this I become aware of how difficult it then is for us to understand God. He even says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, . . .” (Isaiah 55:8) One of the great passages of Scripture is Ephesians 1:9 and 10. In it Paul, one of the smartest men who ever lived, declares to us “God made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment–to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”

Sometimes we wonder what in heaven and earth is going on here. The answer to the mystery is it is God’s pleasure to make everything right under Jesus. Whatever it is He is waiting for has obviously not yet happened. When it does He will act quickly lest He be guilty of prolonging the pain He is so often accused of causing.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 21, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453


A hundred years ago Francis Thompson wrote “The Hound of Heaven.” It is a poetic tale of God in pursuit of a man. Like a hound dog God gets on the trail of a man and will not give up the chase. God wants so badly to catch us. He will take us in whatever condition the capture occurs. Old, wrinkled, it matters not. He wants us. The accumulation of sins matters not. He has already dealt with those at the cross. What He wants now is the joy of redeeming us and restoring us. He has this marvelous ability to see us not as we are but what we can be. Once He has us He has all the time in eternity to polish and shine us.

I was thinking of this this evening as my dog keeps nudging me with her cold black nose. She cocks her head as if to say, “Don’t you know it is time for our evening walk.” I can tell her I am busy and create all manner of reasons for not going but she just keeps after me.

God would not let Jonah alone. Since God treats us all the same the quest for you and me is just as intent. In Jesus’ story of the prodigal son the Father went each day to look down the road and when He saw His son coming back He did not wait but ran to meet him. You can tell God you are busy and create all manner of excuses for not accepting His offer. However, He is persistent. He wants you.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 20, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453

Fizzless Christians

Last evening I left a half full can of pop in the refrigerator. This evening upon return from walking the dog I opened the frig and spotted it. Sitting down at the computer to write I put it to my lips and poured it in my mouth.
I am trying to find a word to describe it. I don’t know at what hour the last bit of fizz departed into the atmosphere but what it left behind is insipid, flat, yucky, uninspiring, tame, unexciting, bland, dull, dreary, monotonous, lackluster and boring to my taste.

It is sort of like Christians who have lost their zeal and never give a thought to the meaning of the name they carry around. In Revelation 3:15 God says to the members in Laodicea, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
This could be compared to either ice tea or hot tea. Both are good but room temperature tea just doesn’t do it. If there had been carbonated beverages when John wrote Revelation would he have added, “I wish you had fizz.”

Fizzless Christians are such a disappointment. There is no sparkle or joy in his or her walk with the Lord. They inspire no one to come and see the reason for their abundant life. I am assuming they have an abundant life. It is a big assumption because they most likely do not or they would fizz.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 17, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453

What Is Your Gift?

One of my favorite games is Scrabble. There is a real sense of satisfaction being able to take seven scrambled letters and to rearrange them into a word, and of course the bigger the word the greater the satisfaction. It is a real boost when you can put your word along side another word and simultaneously form four or five other words. Another enjoyable event is putting down a word that is so unusual your opponents think you just made it up and they challenge you to open the dictionary and justify your play. You almost feel like expressing that childhood taunt, “I told you so. I told you so.” (Now you can see how immature I really am.)

One of my latest was “melsh” which means “mellow, soft, tender.” It is interesting how words come and go in a language. “Melsh” really has gone. In order to find it you have to go the huge Oxford English Dictionary.

I am often reminded that God gives us an array of talents, skills and abilities and it is up to us to form meaning for our lives. He could have scripted everything for us but He allows us the joy of making plans and pursuing the character we desire. If we keep Him in our lives He will bless our choice. If we choose to be a teacher He will help us be a good teacher. If we choose to be a carpenter (that was Jesus’ choice) He will help us be a great carpenter. The skills are from Him the creation is ours.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 15, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453

Give God a Call

I have a card in my hand inscribed with the name and phone number of a really old friend. I have not seen him nor talked with him for over forty years. I want to call him but I don’t know what to say. How do you catch up with someone who you no longer know? I don’t know if he has children. I don’t know if he ever married. I don’t know what he has done for a career. All I know is what he looked like when he was a boy.

I wonder if some people feel this way about God. Perhaps they knew Him when they were a child but they have not communicated with Him for a very long time. What do they say? How do they begin the dialogue? Do they say something like, “Hello God, this is Bill, remember me? I was thinking about you and decided it was time to check in?”

If I was talking to my long ago friend I would most likely ask him how he is, but do you ask God how He is? God can’t be sick so maybe it is a stupid question. However, we can hurt from more things than a cold or a headache. We can suffer from heartaches and they are the worst. Just as parents suffer when their child is hurting I am sure God suffers. So maybe asking Him how He is, is not such a stupid question. Every good parent rejoices when his or her child calls. So go ahead and call Him. You will make His day.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 16, 2003
Spring of Life, 151 Old Farm Rd. Leominster, MA 01453