His Touch Is Free

Today I learned in 2009 one could buy a ticket for $1,868 for the opportunity to meet and shake hands with Beyonce.  While not trying to be disrespectful I would not bother paying $1.86.  It is a matter of priorities.  Do you remember the woman who so desperately wanted to touch Jesus she struggled through a throng of pushing shoving people only to be knocked to the ground?  When Jesus came by she mustered up her remaining strength to thrust her arm between the legs of those that would trample her and for a microsecond touched Jesus robe.  That was all she needed and it was free. It was life transforming.

A leper wandered from village to village trying to catch up to Jesus as he moved about.  Finally the opportunity arose.  Forgetting to call out “unclean” he stumbled through a retreating crowd and came face to face with Jesus.  I love what happened next.   The Gospels tell us before Jesus healed him, Jesus touched him.  It was free.  It was life transforming.

Just like Jesus our task is to reach out and touch those in need.  We do it in a variety of supportive ways. Our gifts, our counsel, our care, our presence, our contacts, our love can be exactly what someone was needing.  What is so grand about this is we are the giving ones and thus the receivers.  Each time we help someone our lives grow richer.

When the leper was made whole Jesus was happy.  When the woman was made whole Jesus was rewarded. Jesus is still in the business of touching and being touched.  It is still free.  The results are still life transforming.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 25, 2015

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Better Than Burger King

A small ice cream cone at our local Dairy Queen costs $2.79.   The same size cone at Burger King and McDonalds cost $1.00.   And not only does it taste as good maybe it’s just a bit better or is that psychological because it is such a bargain?  Being happy about something definitely makes it sweeter and more beautiful.  A respectful kind child is always better looking than a rude selfish child even if the rude one has better cheek bones.

The Psalmist felt that way about God’s law.  In Psalm 119 he wrote, “Oh, how I love your law!  I meditate on it all day long. Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies.  I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.  I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.  I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.  I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me.  How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!  I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.”

God’s commandments are a guide for successful living.  Our obedience makes God happy not because we are doing what He said, but because He knows they will prevent all manner of heartache and pain.  Good parents are that way.  If one wants to be smart, then trust the One who has seen it all and shares with us the formula for happiness. Therefore, according to the Psalmist they taste better than honey.  The question is do they taste better than a cone from Burger King?  Of course they do.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 21, 2015

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



The Bogeydog

In the darkness of night one can see a faint reflection of themselves in the window of our breakfast room.  It is vague and without details.  But, it is enough to drive our dog crazy.  Mirrors do not concern her. They are detailed.  But this darkish form of a dog leads her to believe there is an animal outside.  Instead of it being a bogyman it is a bogeydog.

She is not unlike many people I know who think a bogeyman lurks in most all organizations that range from churches, civil organizations to state and federal government. Fanciful stories are created and then believed making out that sinister people lurk in the shadows trying to harm us.  Rarely is there any real evidence.  It is mostly innuendo built upon unfounded rumors. They see conspiracies of evil everywhere. Bogeymen abound just like the monsters under their childhood beds.  Any negative tidbit is pounced upon as truth while ignoring any positive news. I am sorry for them because it must be a fearful way to live.

It is true that Paul tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood.  And Peter proclaims the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking to devour.  But a life in Christ is to be a life of restfulness and joy.   With God on our side no one can be successful against us.  With the arms God supplies to us we can slay any bogeyman that comes our way.   The Bible tells us to think on positive things and truthful things.  Unfortunately once we have made up our minds about someone we think it’s the truth when what we are seeing is a vague darkish reflection in a window – a bogeydog.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 5, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Bible Reading for What We Need

If you have ever eaten at a Cheesecake Factory I’m sure you have noticed the menu is huge.  The selection is almost overwhelming.  How it is possible for them to have such variety in stock and fresh.  Obviously there is no expectation that one eat everything that is listed. So why is it that we sometimes think we have to read the entire Bible from cover to cover?  Paul wrote to his friend Timothy, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”   The Bible, God’s Word, is given to us to meet our daily needs.  Just as we do not eat everything on a menu neither do we on a daily basis need everything that is in our Bibles.

The joy of feeding on God’s Word is absorbing what we need now.  “Give us this day our daily bread.”  Some days we need poetry.  Other days we need the intellectual stimulation of Romans.  Some days we need the power of Isaiah.

Please do not misunderstand what I am about to say because I have really good friends who enjoy reading the Bible from cover to cover.  It works for them. But it doesn’t work for all of us.  I know people who tell me they have read the entire Bible so I ask them to explain Daniel 12 or Leviticus 19 and they are stumped. I would rather read one chapter a year and understand its depths than read all 66 books and not know what I read.

If you are a cover to cover reader, bless you. I am thrilled for you.  But for most of us finding what we need whether in I Kings or Ephesians is wonderful.


Written by Roger Bothwell on May 22, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



A Barren Lilac Bush

When I went into school this morning one of my colleagues said, “I have a lilac bush that hasn’t blossomed for two years.”  Immediately I thought about Jesus and the fig tree.  It was Monday of Passion Week when Jesus and His disciples came upon a fig tree in full-leaf.  It should have had fruit amidst those leaves but had none.  The whole story seems so out of character for Jesus except for the fact it was a great teaching opportunity.  He cursed it.  Too curse something is not that He did something bad to the tree other than to remove His own life sustaining power.  Nothing on earth lives of itself.  Moment by moment, breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat we do so because of His life flow to us.   Cut off that connection and we, animals, trees, flowers, everything dies.

The lesson of the day, the lesson for history was that each of us is here for a reason.  In Ephesians 2 Paul tells us we have a work to do, a special work prepared just for us.  We might never know what it is.  God knows what it is.  If we allow He will guide our lives and place us in the right place at the right moment that we might do what will advance His kingdom.  How grand it is going to be, to someday be told by God Himself, “Well done.”  We will be amazed because not only might we not remember the moment but if we do we might have thought it was nothing much.  There will be the surprise.  The smallest act can have huge implications in history. We are here to blossom, to bear our fruit.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 12, 2011

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Pause and Think

My wife and I just finished a game of Upwords (3-D Scrabble).  There are certain letters like the Q, X, and J that one needs to play as soon as possible.  I had the J.  An opportunity arose to change “fail” to “jail.”  In haste I played an N and made “nail.”  I missed my one and only opportunity to shed my J.  It cost me the game. When we finished I had to subtract five points because I still had it.

Haste.  How many endeavors in life have been lost because of haste?   How many times would we have done much better if we had only paused long enough to think things through?   Haste really does make waste.  It isn’t an old maxim without cause.  Eve would have done so much better if she had only thought through what the snake was saying.  Then there was David who thought it through and still made an awful mistake.  His plot killed one of his mighty men.  Usually, and I emphasize usually, we make wiser decisions if we just pause before we leap into something.

In Mark chapter one, we have a picture of Jesus calling Andrew and Peter and James and John to leave their fishing boats and follow Him.   If all we had was the Gospel of Mark we would have thought them to be hasty to leave their livelihood.  They had families.  When we read the other Gospels we realize even though the account is in Mark chapter one this event was a year into Jesus’ ministry and they had seen and heard much to aid them in their decision.

If you haven’t yet made Jesus your savior, don’t leap, think then leap.  It will be the wisest decision of your entire eternal life.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 20, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



My Birdbath

I was shocked when I looked into our birdbath.  There must have been 10,000 mosquito larva swimming and growing and ever so anxious to soon make my life an itching, scratching horror.  They are so tiny and yet if in the right environment so lethal.  Things don’t have to be big to be dangerous.  Actually we do pretty good protecting ourselves from the big dangers.  It’s the microbes, viruses and bacteria that can take us out. It’s the little guys.

This is much like sin.  I’ve never robbed a bank nor have I murdered anyone.  Those big ones I can deal with.   It’s the tiny ones that I sometimes excuse for the very reason that they are tiny.  Those feelings of pride and being better than another, those are the truly dangerous ones.  Just this morning I referred to someone as being sub.  I will not elaborate by telling you sub what.  I cannot imagine Jesus ever thinking of someone as sub.  The lepers were worthy of His care.  The publicans (tax collectors for the hated Romans) were His dinner companions.  Ladies of the night were treated with respect.  The people He had the toughest time with were the smug.  Smug is a nasty disease.  Smug sneaks up on us and lives in us without our being aware.  Smug alienates.  Smug kills.

I used to be discouraged when I read in the Sermon on the Mount that I was to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.  Really?  Then came the joy of learning that just as salvation itself is a gift so is the victory over all those “character infecting little guys”a gift.  In Ephesians 2 Paul assures us that this whole process from A to Z is all Jesus.  Such Good News.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 19, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



On Knowing

I’m sitting here looking at a picture of a very pretty lady.  There is just one problem.   It’s a picture of a tree with three birds flying to the upper branches.  One bird is the lady’s eye, another her nose and the third her lips.   It is really well done.  I would post it for you to see but I fear I would be violating a copyright law.   We all have seen pictures like this.  The most prominent lesson learned from these pictures is we sometimes are so sure we have seen something and we didn’t.   I have heard people say, “Don’t tell me what I saw.  I know what I saw.”   It is difficult to admit that we cannot trust our own senses.  We want to be confident.   Sometimes we say, “I know what I know.”  The challenge is we don’t know what we don’t know.  Thus no one can be president of the United States until they are 35 or older.

We can also be confused when we are reading.  Reading isn’t as straight forward as we might think.  Words are loaded with history and nuances do not mean the same thing to everyone.  Thus we have one Bible and hundreds of churches, each with their own set of doctrines.  Each group is sure they are the one with God’s message.  What is grand about God is we are not saved by being correct.  We are saved by grace.  We do not have to march in mental lockstep with others to be loved by Jesus.  The next time you are drawn into a Bible Battle back out.   You are not going to win and neither is the other guy.   So don’t waste the emotional energy.    If someone genuinely wants to know, a Spirit filled Bible study is just what the doctor ordered.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 17, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



You Are Somebody

Emily Dickenson wrote, “I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know.”  She must have thought of being somebody (at least for a few moments) because she also wrote, “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed.  To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need.”  Being somebody is the native fruit of success unless your goal was to be nobody.

In 1954 Marlon Brando immortalized the line, “I could have been somebody” in the film On the Waterfront.  I’m sure there are some people who have never wanted to be somebody but I’m not sure that I know any.  Being that I know a lot of preachers I can safely say they are the worst.  They would never admit it because that would mar their self images as God’s messengers.  Deep within they are attracted to the pulpit because of the attention they receive from fans and foes.  I know some will say, “Speak for yourself.” So I do and I hold to my belief from decades of associations.

Now to the important stuff.  You are somebody.  You are God’s son.  You are God’s daughter.  You are a prince of the Universe.  You are a princess of the Universe.  In Romans and Galatians Paul assures us that we have been adopted into God’s family and are co-heirs with Jesus.  It is an unfathomable thought, a non-comprehensible concept.  Sometimes Paul shocks us with his ideas of God’s lavish love and God’s plans for our futures. People who are not overwhelmed by many of Paul’s concepts are so merely because they have not yet read them.  Please pour over Ephesians 1 & 2.  The ideas within are astounding.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 21, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574




The Mamba and the Pumphouse

We all had special assignments beyond the classroom at our school in Uganda.  Mine was to daily check on and maintain the water pump that supplied our school with the best water imaginable.  Away from the campus and down into a jungleish valley was a path I could navigate with my small motorcycle.  It was a place I always approached with care.  The small shed over the pump was vine covered and often displayed some of the most amazing orchids.  My apprehension was caused by not wanting to have an “Eve at the tree” experience.  My feelings were well founded because late one afternoon as I pushed open the door I came face to face with an African Black Mamba.

Eve’s heart could not have pounded faster or harder than mine.    This one did not need to talk to me.  I understand they are really fast but so was I.  The difference between my encounter and Eve’s was only my life was in jeopardy.  Billions, perhaps a trillion since then, have perished because of her experience.  Paul wrote, “By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” When the catastrophe occurred our Creator God immediately initiated a previously well conceived plan.  This was not a head scratching “what will do” moment.  From a parent’s heart of deep love came the promise that all would someday be well. Jesus did not falter with a “should I or should I not.”  This was as definite as definite can be.  No matter the cost you and I will be saved.

Oh, and what about the mamba?  We seemed to come to an agreement that I would not bother it and it would not bother me for I saw it again and again.  Neither of us were harmed.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 16, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574
