The Lawn of My Character

While blowing the leaves out of my yard this afternoon I could not help but notice the leaves were falling from the trees behind me.  I was making progress but should I pause for a moment or so they would catch up to me making it look like I hadn’t done anything.  I wanted to impress my wife that I was still worth keeping but the fruit of my labor was most unimpressive.

Our sins are somewhat like my leaf blowing.  I ask for forgiveness and readily receive what Jesus is anxious to give, but the lawn of my character doesn’t stay clean but for a moment.  Often we err in thinking sins are merely acts of wrong but there is also a more important element that we are sinful beings.  It is centered in selfishness which might not show on the outside but I know it’s there.  Rarely do I hear of someone being shamed for breaking the 10th commandment.  “Thou shalt not covet.”  If we were to rank sins (and we don’t) I would say this was perhaps #1 on the list.  It is internal.  It is at the core of our being.  It is the seed that manifests itself in the other commandments. I wouldn’t steal something if I had not first coveted it.  I wouldn’t kill someone unless I first coveted something that motivated the murder.

Tomorrow is another day and I will once again have my sins forgiven just as I will blow the leaves again.  Someday I might be leafless.  But considering the reality of trees I somehow doubt that there will not but be a leaf or so tucked in a quiet corner.  Such is life.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 21, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



What to Think About

This weekend I picked up a book and read, “This book appears at a time when only Western civilization – European and American – but the civilizations and the cultures of Asia and Africa as well, are in a condition of violent crisis.  The whole world is affected by a malaise of the soul, a confusion of the mind, a conflict of social, philosophical, scientific, artistic and literary systems, theories and experiments.”  I would have assumed this was written in the latest edition of Time or The Economist. It describes 2014.   But I was holding a worn looking book, so I checked the copyright date.  It was written in 1933.   America was in depression and Europe was hurtling toward WWII.

Has there ever been a time when that paragraph isn’t on target?  Is this not a statement of flow and flux of humanity?  There are so many things wrong around the world and with 24/7 media coverage bombarding us with information regarding those wrongs we seem perched on the edge of oblivion.   It is so easy for someone to sound authoritative by proclaiming doom and gloom.  All one has to do is wait long enough and something bad will happen.  Then they can claim to be wise and prophetic.  But any fool knows all things come to an end and bad things will happen.  The challenge is to not be part of the problem but to be part of something that will make things better.  Our task is not to wring our hands and promote despair but to promote health of mind and spirit.

It is not being Pollyannaish to look for and speak of hope and of the good people, which make up the majority of humankind.  Paul was right when he said if things be of good report.  Think on them.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 20, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


The Gift of Healing

I saw a small boy with a withered hand and longed to make him whole.  It is not one of the gifts of this age.  I could not say as did Peter and John to the lame beggar, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk.”  My impotence fills me with despair.  Yet, I understand the media circus that would occur should someone truly have the gift of healing.  There would be riots of those in need seeking access to such a person.  Mayhem would overwhelm any bodyguards.  It was bad enough for Jesus as Mark said, “Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places.”

Jesus’ heart was moved with compassion for the crowds.  How could He not but help?  The night before the cross in Herod’s court they brought some pathetic cases before Jesus hoping to see Jesus perform a miracle.  How it must have pained Jesus to see them and yet not turn His power into a circus act.   Jesus remained silent knowing what was ahead.

Today God shares His knowledge with researchers and scientists.  How ironic that some of them are the very ones to deny His existence and yet the prizes they have won for their breakthroughs were only possible because He enlightened them.  He calls upon us to pray, to ask.  It is not a denial of faith to use modern medicine any more than it would be wrong for someone to use the gifts given them from their parents. God is thrilled for us to ask and He is happy to give good gifts for all mankind’s benefit.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 10, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Hot Chocolate at Starbucks

I embarrassed my son this weekend.  We stopped at his usual Starbucks and I ordered a medium hot chocolate.  I was informed by the guy at the cash register that they did not have anything medium.  I needed to order a Grande.  And the next time I needed to remember was the guy at the cash register was a barista. I thought this was America!  For a moment I wanted to be Steve Martin so I could properly say, “Well, excussseee me!”

As I sat waiting for my hot chocolate to cool enough so I could drink it without scalding off a layer of skin inside my mouth, I got to wondering about the difference between the words “forgive” and “excuse.”   What I discerned was “excuse” could imply one had an explanation for an offense making it appear more acceptable.  “Forgive” was to pardon or to release someone from punishment.  Therefore my sins cannot be excused but must be forgiven.  However, I might add my sins often occur because I have a sinful nature which is an explanation.  But, with God’s enlisted help I am not a slave to my sinful nature and can be an overcomer.

Jesus was an overcomer and so can we be.  “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:23.   “Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”  I John 5:5

That is great news.

By the way.  How come a Starbucks Venti is bigger than a Grande, which means big, large or great?

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 19, 2015

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Mr. Flattoad

There is a flat toad on the street in front of my home.  I checked our begonia basket to see if it is “our” toad.  All summer we have had a toad hide in our begonia basket each day.  In the evening it jumps out to forage for whatever.  It wasn’t in the basket this afternoon.  Could Mr. Flattoad be ours?

I  am concerned and remembered something Jesus said about His Father and birds.  “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.”  Did God care about the toad?  Would He care about it more if it was “our” toad?  Does loving someone add value to them?

Several years ago I had a graveside service for someone.  I mean “someone” because we did not know his name.  We were burying him in the anonymous section of the cemetery.  It was a very plain section off to the back edge of the cemetery. There were no flowers or shrubs, only numbers.  The only people there were the undertaker, me and two grave diggers waiting for me to finish.  Did he have less value because there wasn’t anyone there that cared?  You might ask, “Didn’t you care?”  Sorta.  I needed to because no one else did?   I wondered if he had a child or grandchildren somewhere?  Would they care if they knew?

If loving someone gives added value then he had a lot of value because the most important being in the universe cared.  Just in case you have ever wondered about your worth, just ask what price was paid for you.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only son for you.  Talk about added value.  You are something wonderful.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 15, 2015

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



Your Truth & My Truth & Absolute Truth

On a very regular basis I hear my students say, “Your truth is different than my truth.”  It is a reflection of modern philosophy which denies that there is an absolute truth.

Those of us who believe there is an absolute truth would have to concede there is an element of truth in what they say.  Because each of us has a unique mind and egocentric thought patterns each of us sees everything in a very unique way.  Therefore, what I think is truth and what you think is truth is very real to each of us but very different from each other’s view.  As true as that is, it does not mean there is not an absolute truth.  What it means is each of us is seeing the truth but we see it with self-made distortions. The absolute truth does exist, but none of us see it clearly.  We each see it through our biases and preconceived ideas.   This is what Paul meant when he said in I Corinthians 13, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; . .”

The smudges on your glasses are different than the smudges on my glasses.  That does not mean what I think is truth and what you think is truth and thus there are two different truths.   There is one absolute truth and then there are our distorted versions.  Because we have distorted versions does not negate the reality of an absolute truth.

It is reassuring that Paul tells us someday we will see clearly.  Someday we will understand God’s love and His purpose for each of us, which is as unique as we are unique.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 17, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



I passed a Mennonite family this morning on my way to school.  I am making an educated guess they were Mennonite and not Amish because most Amish do not drive but most Mennonites do.  The car was black with the chrome painted black so they didn’t appear flashy.  I wondered as I passed them if they thought they were “witnessing.” I wondered that from my many encounters with other conservative Christians who refused to eat something they were offered and they told me by doing so they were “witnessing.”  Is “witnessing” showing what we don’t do or could “witnessing” be better done by showing what we do, like being kind, generous, helpful and empathic?  Jesus once said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13

If Mennonites proselytized, I wonder what they would say to convince me to join with them.  Would they give me a list of things I couldn’t do anymore?  When we evangelize do we tell people things they can no longer do?  Or is there a way to convince them that life will be better if they join with us?   Or do we only offer something after death with nothing for the present?  I am not discounting an eternal life of growth.   That is wonderful to look forward to.  But do we have anything to offer today?

I think we do.  I could wax eloquent about the psychological benefits of forgiveness.  Not only is it grand to know we are forgiven but also the benefits of forgiving others is downright fabulous.  We sleep better.  Our digestion is better and our dispositions are better when we no longer harbor ill feelings about others.

That’s just a sample.  Yes – we have a lot of positives to offer.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 16, 2014

Spring of Life , PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Virtue Update Version 7

I just received a message informing me that a Java update was ready to be installed on my computer.  I needed to click okay.  Somewhere in the process it informed me I had to close my browser for the update to complete installation.  After a while I was instructed to click okay indicating my agreement.  And finally my computer said, “Congratulations you have the recommended Java Version 7 update number 71.”

Today I received a message informing me that God has a virtue update ready to be installed in my character.  “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10   I said, “Okay.”  In the process I thought of something I needed to change for the update to complete installation.  I agreed.  Then I received a message saying, “Well done!”  Matthew 25:23.  I now have Virtue Version 7 update number 26,370.   I need a daily update.

What I find excitedly satisfying is unlike my computer that can be impaired by a power shortage my heavenly connection isn’t dependent on manmade grids with wires and transformers.  The heavenly transformers are always online ready to supply my every need.

You might have noticed that I did not quote all of Matthew 25:23 which would have referred to me as “good and faithful servant.”  That would have been grossly presumptuous.  I would be more comfortable with “grateful servant.”   One day in church I heard someone pray, “Lord, keep me humble as I already am.”  I about choked on that personal comfort with a virtue that is most difficult to maintain. Isn’t it grand to have updates so readily available?  Each update makes us more like God wants us to be.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 15, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


The Perfect Leaf

I am on a quest for the perfect autumn leaf.  Billions of brightly colored leaves are falling all about me and somewhere lying on the ground waiting to be found is a perfect leaf of pure red or pure gold.  This afternoon while blowing golden leaves out of my yard my heart thrilled as I reached down to quench my quest.  But alas this bright red leaf I plucked from the pile of gold was flawed.  It had tiny specks of black amidst its crimson field.  I feel like quoting Joyce Kilmer with just a twist. “I think that I shall never see a leaf as perfect as can be.”  It was Voltaire who wrote, “Perfection is the enemy of the good.”  There in my hand was an almost perfect leaf but my mind was not satisfied.  My quest for perfection devalued this marvelous work of art.

Could it be that we do the same with people?  Jesus’ mother Mary had to be an incredibly marvelous person to be selected by heaven for her important task.  But as wonderful as she was there were always those who whispered, “Yes, but she was pregnant before she was married.”   I have sat on committees where someone was passed over for a promotion because we knew of a tiny flaw in his life.  We then hired someone we really didn’t know and ended up with twenty flaws.

The Book of Job begins, “And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?”   Alas, as the story unfolds Job was not perfect, almost but not.  We shall give only Jesus the praise for perfection.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 14, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


My Proverbs 31 Woman

There I was straining and twisting, wrenching and grunting.  I was making a valiant effort to open a bottle.  The harder I squeezed the more permanent that cap remained.  Then it happened.  My manhood was gone.  Decades of pride vanished in less than a second.  My wife came over and opened it with one small twist. It was not my finest moment and I have no idea why I am sharing this with you.  I must have some inner masochistic urge to denigrate myself.  The thing is I could have understood had she strained, wrenched and grunted.  But no, it was a matter-of-fact turn of her wrist.  I think I detected just a slight uplifting of the corners of her mouth as she handed it back to me.  Just call me Casper (not the friendly ghost).  Life is cruel.

It’s the same way with hot dishes.  She can hand me something she was holding with her bare hands and my eyeballs roll up into my head as it sears my hands and my nostrils fill with the scent of fried flesh.  I have to laugh when I hear men talking about themselves as the stronger sex.

For those who want to keep women in a subordinate position I urge them to read Genesis 2.  God took a rib from Adam’s side not his foot.  She was to be by his side as an equal.  Blessed is the man who has a Proverbs 31 wife.   King Lemuel had it right when he wrote, “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. . . . Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 13, 2014

Spring of Life, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574